

Genevieve Alcinay - VP of Finance

Alex Jiménez - Treasurer


Best Practices


The PTA Treasurer is responsible for managing the finances of the Woodglen School PTA, a not-for-profit 501(c) organization with a fiscal year running from July 1st to June 30th. This includes collecting money for events, maintaining financial records, filing taxes, and ensuring compliance with PTA requirements.

General Information

Main Responsibilities

Tax Return

The tax return is filed through, which is free for the PTA. Follow the link in the email from the NY PTA and input the numbers from QuickBooks. Use the previous year's tax return as a guide.

Bookkeeping Best Practices

Membership Dues

Regularly remit membership dues to the state by logging into Memberhub and following the link under membership to remit state dues.

Misc Notes

The PTA can pay for board members' meals during official business meetings, but not for any alcohol consumed after the meeting has ended.